Take your framed artwork off the wall for a closer inspection.
From the front, please check the following: |
Are there any spots or discolouration visible on the artwork? |
Yes |
No |
Are there any colours fading in the artwork? |
Yes |
No |
Does the bevel on the matboard appear yellow/brown in colour? |
Yes |
No |
Does the surface of the matboard show spots or discoloration? |
Yes |
No |
Does the artwork appear to have slipped behind the window mat? |
Yes |
No |
Are there signs of the glass not being clean on the inside? |
Yes |
No |
Are the corners of the frame separating and not securely joined? |
Yes |
No |
Does the glass show any visible cracks? |
Yes |
No |
Can you see any other signs that could indicate frame deterioration? |
Yes |
No |
Now, turn it around and inspect the back: |
Is there any visible discolouration or staining on the back of the frame? |
Yes |
No |
Is there any tape starting to lift away from the back? |
Yes |
No |
Are there visible signs of insect infestation? |
Yes |
No |
Are the hangers and the wire/cord coming loose or showing signs of stress? |
Yes |
No |
Is the frame hanging on the wall without sufficient space for air circulation behind it? |
Yes |
No |
Are there any other signs on the back that could indicate frame deterioration? |
Yes |
No |